Voices of Montana

Diverse Stakeholders Collaborate For Better Water Outcomes

Voices of Montana
Voices of Montana
Diverse Stakeholders Collaborate For Better Water Outcomes

Over the last 18 months, the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation  – the DNRC  – has brought numerous stakeholders, some at odds for years, to the table to work on a Comprehensive Water Review. What is behind this water review and what will it accomplish?

Click on the podcast for an in-depth discussion on the issues and challenges of permitting and adjudication of water rights in Montana.  Raylee Honeycutt, with the Montana Stockgrowers Association, Dr. Anna Pakenham-Stevenson of the DNRC, and Clayton Elliot of Montana Trout Unlimited join us for a comprehensive look at the treasure that is H2O in the Treasure State.

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